…here’s ten top reasons for visiting The Trentham Estate
Growing-up, growing older, retiring, and filling free-time: baby boomers are doing it differently. Making this, apparently, “The age of not acting your age”.
That’s exactly why The Trentham Estate in Stoke-on-Trent is now making a concerted effort to let seniors, in particular, know about all of the benefits of its gardens, parkland, shops and cafes.
So in this – the age of not acting your age – here are Trentham’s Top Ten reasons why seniors should think about getting up from their sofas, out of their living rooms, pulling on a nice new pair of walking boots from the Trentham Shopping Village and heading to one of the most popular estates in Britain.
- Enjoy it during quieter times
3.2 million people can’t be wrong. That’s roughly how many people visit The Trentham Estate every year – with more than 725,000 visits to Trentham Gardens themselves making them one of the top four most-visited paid-for garden attractions in England. All of which can make it feel pretty busy at times. But being retired brings its own advantages – and what better than being able to pop down to Trentham for a midweek morning stroll, or mid-afternoon stretch?
- Keep active
The great outdoors will always beat the cosy indoors when it comes to keeping fit and active. Enjoy all of the benefits of a brisk 30-minute walk. Even a stroll around the gardens will add to your daily number of steps.
- Feel secure in a safe environment
It’s hard to say just how many people you’ll see on the two-mile stroll around the lake; but it all makes for a much safer environment, while still enjoying all of the sights and sounds of some spectacular countryside. A £70,000 investmenton new lakeside path material makes it even easier for those who may have mobility issues too.And there’s always someone nearby should you ever need any assistance with directions.
- Act your shoe size
But take them off and leave them in the lockers next to the Barefoot Walk… while you get naked from the knees down. One of only a small handful of Barefoot Walks in the whole of the country, a walk through mud and over a variety of different surfaces (believe it or not) brings its own range of health benefits – as well as a whole lot of fun. (http://www.trentham.co.uk/trentham-gardens/western-pleasure-ground/barefoot-walk).
- Enjoy some magical, quality time with the grandchildren
OK, so you’re not the sort of person who wants to wash mud from your feet and calves. But how about bringing the grandchildren with you and spending some magical time with them as they zoom along the zipwire in the Adventure Playground, or hunt for fairies on the popular Trentham Fairy Trail?
- Indulge your passion for gardening
725,000 visits a year make this the fourth most popular paid-for garden attraction in England – with some of the finest perennial displays, and one of the best Italian Gardens, in the world. Enjoy the spectacle, and be inspired. Or stop to pick the brains of one of Trentham’s award-winning gardens team.
- Wellness and Mindfulness for All
How many times do we need to be told that our mental health can benefit from taking a walk? Step out in style. Breath-in the countryside air. Join a yoga session, or the fledgling gardening club. Or simply find your favourite spot on The Trentham Estate, where you can ‘lose yourself’…and count to 10.
- 101 reasons
Car-share with a friend. Or, better still, take full advantage of your concessionary pass by hopping on the 101 bus service linking Stoke-on-Trent’s city centre, Hanley, Newcastle-under-Lyme, and Stafford. The service runs ever 20 minutes and drops-off and picks-up outside the gates of The Trentham Estate. And if you prefer to let the train take the strain it’s then just a short four-mile hop by bus or taxi to Trentham.
- Make friends
Don’t just join family and friends on a weekend visit to Trentham… join similar, like-minded folk on occasional guided tours of the gardens; or turn to your right, and say “good morning” to the person sitting next to you on the bench. While you’re at it, why not invite them to join you for a cuppa in one of Trentham’s tearooms as well?
- Get in on the cheap!
As anyone who has passed through one of the main, magical retirement ages will already know, growing old disgracefully brings its own benefits: from a Senior Rail Card, to the well-deserved state pension. The Trentham Estate is no different, and offers an annual Senior Pass that costs £62 (£5 less than a full price ticket), or a day ticket at £10 (£2 less that the full price ticket). Look out, too, for the 2-for-1 midweek offer – and other frequent special deals and discount tickets – the ‘cheap tickets’ page of Trentham’s website.
For all further details about The Trentham Estate, visit http://www.trentham.co.uk.