Sizzling news for Lincolnshire…

After a two-year break, a banger of an event is back in Lincoln.

Celebrating the county’s most iconic export, the grounds of Lincoln Castle will host the popular Lincoln Sausage Festival on 15 October 2022.

Normally each October the Festival pays tribute to Lincolnshire’s foodie favourite – with visitors tucking into more than 30,000 individual sausages on the day.

After being staged virtually in 2020 and postponed in 2021, the event makes a grand return this year with its usual winning mix of sausage-themed family fun.

Behind the dramatic medieval walls of the Castle, surrounded by cobbled streets in the city’s historic Cathedral quarter, the grounds will be filled with around 50 stalls offering some of the county’s finest produce.

With live entertainment along with tasty treats from Lincolnshire’s award-winning producers and suppliers, plus free entry for children and £2 for adults, it’s no surprise that it’s one of the region’s top food events.

Among highlights will be festival favourite, the aptly named Cosmic Sausages – an acoustic comic street band – while visitors will also be able to again meet popular mascots, Mr & Mrs Sausage.

Also on offer will be cookery demonstrations with Lincolnshire’s celebrity chef Rachel Green, along with face painting and circus skills workshops for younger visitors.

Organised by the Rotary Club of Lincoln Colonia, the event is open between 10am and 5pm.

For details about the festival, visit

For more about visiting, and staying in, Lincolnshire, see