High tides bring bird watching spectacle to the Lincolnshire coast

It may be one of Britain’s less well-known birdwatching hotspots, but the Lincolnshire coast is set to offer some awesome autumn experiences, thanks to upcoming high tides.

One of nature’s spectacles, thousands of waders flock to a high tide roost before flying back out as the water recedes – offering a chance to spot, and photograph, birds such as knot, redshank and oystercatcher.

And during September and October, high tides – which concentrate birds into a much tighter area than usual – will give some spectacular birdwatching opportunities, especially at Gibraltar Point and Frampton Marsh reserves.

Experts predict that around 60,000 knot could be at Gibraltar Point and 40,000 at Frampton Marsh as the birds are pushed up off the mud by the incoming water to high tide roost sites, where they jostle for space on what remains of the higher ground.

While the high tides – 26-29 September; 11, 12, 27, and 28 October – provide a special opportunity to see huge numbers of birds, Lincolnshire’s coast is one of the best places to see migration in action throughout autumn, and winter.

Among autumn highlights must be the overwhelming sight and sound of pink-footed geese, which return in their thousands to winter on the Humber estuary and the Wash.

Chapel Point in the Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park is among the best sea watching locations in the county, where it is possible to spot all four species of skua migrating along the coast, along with scoters and shearwaters.

At Frampton Marsh, which provides close views of the birdlife of The Wash, one of Europe’s most special places for wildlife, winter sees flocks of brent geese come down from their summering grounds of Siberia to feed on the reserve’s fields and saltmarsh.

Despite arguably being one of the least well-known, Lincolnshire lays claim to being among the UK’s premier birdwatching counties, and in a bid to raise its profile, a series of new insider guides to the best places to spot birdlife throughout the year has been launched.

The guides – launched on the official Visit Lincolnshire tourism website – provide expert tips on the best places to go; what can be seen; and, most importantly, the best times of year to visit.

The Lincolnshire Bird Trail is a partnership between Visit Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire Bird Club, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, The RSPB, Natural England, The National Trust and the Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership.

More details about the Bird Trail can be found at

For high tide times, see

For more about visiting, and staying in, Lincolnshire, see www.visitlincolnshire.com