Visitors to The Trentham Estate can help say ‘Thank You’ to all those who served and sacrificed in the First World War during a special remembrance event within the Shopping Village later this month.
Already marking the end of the Great War, 100 years ago, with a striking ‘Thank You’ Wall – which is now filling up with red poppy stickers in an innovative fund-raising campaign – The Trentham Estate’s special day will take place on Sunday 28 October.
With the Wall taking centre stage, the free-to-enter event at Trentham Shopping Village,on the edge of Stoke-on-Trent, in Staffordshire, will also feature the Adamson Military Band, First World War poetry readings, a military vehicle display and themed entertainment.
Weather permitting, the event will also include a spotter plane fly-over, while “Winston Churchill” will also make an appearance during the day to deliver one of his historic speeches.
Joining the Royal British Legion’s ‘Thank You’ initiative commemorating a century since the guns fell silent on the world’s first truly global war, The Trentham Estate is raising money for the Legion’s Poppy Appeal 2018.
A hoarding at the end of the Shopping Village extension has been transformed into the ‘Thank You’ Wall to show a sunlit green field and one lone poppy. Over the last few weeks, visitors have been helping turn the green field red by buying special poppy stickers and placing them on the Remembrance Wall.
Stickers are still available at £3 each from the Shopping Village’s nostalgic gift shop ‘Got 2 Have One’, which is producing memorabilia for the Royal British Legion and helping to raise awareness with a commemorative First World War inspired window display.
By the end of October it is hoped the green ‘field’ will have become completely red, with each poppy representing a personal ‘Thank You’ from shoppers and visitors to all those who ‘served, sacrificed and changed our world’. The ‘Thank You’ Wall will remain in place up until Armistice Day, 11 November 2018.
This year’s Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal will be launched nationally on Saturday 27th October and proceeds from the sale of Trentham’s poppy stickers will go to the Legion’s Appeal.
Trentham’s ‘Thank You’ day will be staged 11-4pm, on Sunday 28 October 2018.
For more details visit www.trentham.co.uk.